Friday 3 May 2019

Natural Phenomenon - Clouds

This week we are doing myths & legends.
We are doing it about Natural Phenomenon and we had to pick something that we didn't know about and I picked clouds because I wanted to know how they were formed and I found out a really good fact about how they were made. And they are made from hot warm air and cold air and they mix and form a white fluffy thing in the air which is called a cloud. This is the slide I made about how clouds are formed & on the 3 page there is a video on clouds changing through the day!!

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Jazmine, My name is Julia & I am a year 8 student at Yaldhurst Model School.

    This post is awesome. I would never have thought of clouds as a phenomenon. This gave me some new point of views that I could think of clouds in.

    This reminds me of when I learned about clouds 2 years ago, they are very weird things. I think to improve your post to make it even better you could add your feelings, it would add more depth to your post.

    Apart from that, amazing post!

    Kind Regards
    Yaldhurst Model School


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