Thursday 4 June 2015

world war 1 and 2

john allen

writing car peice

One Day there was a car that was on the grass it looked like a really old car it had rats in side of it the tyres were flat and there was a burnt stick on the car it looked like there must of been a crash on the road.  There was a hammes in the car.

anzac day

Anzac  day remembers the soldiers from the war ho died our ho survived in the war.
Nz soldiers sacrifice their  lives for our lives in the war.
Zipping bullets past  the soldiers in the war.
Arriving at Anzac cove.
Challenge  the other army in the war.
Dead in the war from other army people in the war.
Another person has just got shot in the war.
Yes some of the people from the war died from world war one and two.

train track

Monday 11 May 2015

WaLt: We are learning to use our imagination to ade detail

Fog Track Stones wood Trees.

Onces i was lost in the woods and i was running and then a train came and then the train stopped but then there was no train i was in magenering it. So i had to keep running then something was walking towards me but it was a scary man trying to get me.

epic parkour freerunning

Epic parkour freerunning.

I was Lepping through air and i fail and i hearted myself and i came back and did it again and then i made it i landed on my feet that was close i nearly hearted myself again like i did the first time I was very scared when i did it and the first time i was feeling like i was going to kill myself then i just broke my leg and my arm and i did a very big flip.


From Jazmine Stechmann.

i'm flipping off house and homes and i do back flips to and i have been jumping and back flips and just flips of buildings and people's feans and if you do not know what Epic Parkour Freerunning is it is flipping and back Flipping and doing some jumping off people's things at their homes and houses.

baby kitten

baby Kitten .
This is me scared because i was stuck in the drain and a little girl came and saved me  so that little girl ceeped me at her house so i could be dry safe and warm at her house so i didn’t try to kill myself but the dad did not let me stay at there house and the Mum let me stay and the girl let me stay at there house in till i dey and then i will have to go but i will still be there in my ghost and so the dad does not need to look after me but the Mum and Girl will still remember me when they found me when i was a baby and the Dad won't care about me when they got me when i was a kitten i was so cute when i was a baby kitten.




I was a little squirrel trying to get away from the Eagle but it was trying to eat me and i was jumping from tree to tree to get away from it i was very very puft from the eagle trying to get me but i was hiding away from it and i went in side of a tree so it didn't try to eat me but then i jumped out of the tree and then it still went after me so i stayed in side of the tree and then the eagle went back to his family and then i went to a river to wash my cute fussy porse in the little pond and then i was safe from the eagle and then i was safe for my whole life and i was scared when the eagle was getting me.

By Jazmine Stechmann.

acrostic poem

25 May

WALT: Create an acrostic poem using descriptive language
My family.

Family is the best thing in the hole inter world.

Animals I love dogs and cats they're so cute and fluffy.

My hole inter Family is fun to play with at home.

I am a nine year old girl I turned nine on April 20th 2015.

Lollies are yum my family loves them we get them after dinner.

Yes I do love my family they are the best thing in the world they are the so cut and so fluffy.

haiku winter

Tuesday 2nd June 2015.

     2            1    1       1
Freezing in the cold. 5 syllables
    2           1       1        1    1       1
Building a house in the snow. 7 syllables
     2          1          2
hailing and snowing. 5 syllables Image result for night time photos of winterImage result for frozen photosImage result for frozen photos