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Find out how another country celebrates Easter.
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Join a sports team or community club.
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write a take the cake nomination.
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Create an Easter Card or Easter gift.
Make a new friend from another class.
My favorite thing was doing the Geocaching with my group. We had to walk all around Fox Glacier and we were the fourth group back. We went to the church first then we went to this chair and it was hidden in this black tube in the chair. Third we went to the bush and the clue was hiding underneath a log then we went near a hotel and it was hidden in the hotel sign.
My second favorite thing was going to the kiwi house we got to see two baby kiwi they were so adorable. We had to go in our groups the people that were in my group are Kaine, Callum, Felix and my Mum and me we had so much fun their.
My third favorite thing was playing Spotlight at the School and me and Madisyn were rolling around on the grass and when I rolled over on the grass I face planted and I really hurt my face. Kash and Summer were in for the first round. Me and Madisyn were rolling and rolling on the field and we couldn't stop. We were hiding on the grass there was a lot of people on the grass hiding. First me and Madisyn were hiding on the fort and Catlin K and Leah found us then me and Madisyn were in.
The next day we had to climb up a really big hill and Madisyn and Ruby were the first ones up there. I walked up there with my mum and then we had lunch and then we went back down. I walked down with my mum and then we walked all the way back to the Top Ten Holiday Park. When we got there we got free time on the fort for about an hour.
The last day we had to go back to School and we had so much fun on Camp. On the way home we went on the Tree Top Walk and my mum told us to jump and we all jumped up and down on it and then my mum took a photo of me and Ruby on the Tree Top Walk. We had so much fun. Then we went on the Swing Bridge they were moving it to side to side. I am kind of scared of heights. But going that high I was fine so now I am not scared of heights. Now i can go up very high I am not scared but Leah was freaking out on being up very high and Catlin K was scared of heights we had to go round in circles around the Tree Top Walk and then when I looked down it looked like Jurassic World.
Then when we were going up to the tree top walk Felix had to go into the golf cart because his ankles were swollen and he had really bad blisters on the back of his feet and Brent piggy backed him half way up the hill.
We had so much fun on camp. When we were coming back home from camp Callum spewed in the school van coming back to school because Brent went over the hill and then Callum spewed on the floor in the van. I only got a headache when we were going there and coming back from camp.
When we were going to Fox Glacier camp we went in the river me and Madisyn were jumping in the river together. People kept on saying that there was an eel in the river so me and Madisyn were not jumping in the river. We went to a different place in the river it was so deep and cold there and it was kind of red when I went in.
I am looking ford to camp next year
To Mum
Happy Easter
I hope you have a really fun Easter day mum happy Easter.
Dear Mrs O
I would like to nominate Ella M Kaede C And Cleo B because when we were running and i fell down on the concert they went to help me
The Sport team that i am going to play is netball and mini ball